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New Adobe Creative Suite 2 Upgrade Outline
ImageReady CS introduction
(Good knowledge of PhotoShop required)
Introduction to ImageReady
It's a bullet point ! Image Optimisation
It's a bullet point ! GIF vs. JPEG
It's a bullet point ! 2-Up & 4-Up Views
It's a bullet point ! Exporting Images
It's a bullet point ! Simple Animation
It's a bullet point ! Frames (Animation)
It's a bullet point ! Timing Options
It's a bullet point ! Text Options
Working with Graphics & Animation
It's a bullet point ! Selection, Editing & Painting Tools
It's a bullet point ! Layers/Layer Sets
It's a bullet point ! Layer Effects
Integration with PhotoShop
It's a bullet point ! Masking
It's a bullet point ! Tweening
It's a bullet point ! Tweening Text Effects
Slicing, Image Maps, Rollovers & Buttons
It's a bullet point ! Slicing
It's a bullet point ! Rollovers
It's a bullet point ! Styles
It's a bullet point ! Rollover Styles(Buttons)
It's a bullet point ! Basic Navigation Bars
It's a bullet point ! Swapping Images in Other Locations
It's a bullet point ! HTML Export Options
It's a bullet point ! Image Maps
Advanced Features
It's a bullet point ! Putting Behaviours on Image Maps
It's a bullet point ! Vector Shapes
duration: 1 day
price: click here
Web Wise Workshop
Adobe GoLive
Adobe Photoshop
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Macromedia Fireworks
Macromedia Flash
Microsoft FrontPage